Mathlete Mania: July 15-19th, Grades 1-6th
Summary: The ultimate summer destination for young mathematicians & timid learners alike. Students will sharpen their skills and explore the fascinating world of numbers. Our camp offers a dynamic and engaging environment designed to ignite curiosity, boost confidence, and foster a love for mathematics. Join us for a thrilling journey through a variety of hands-on activities, interactive games, and stimulating challenges. World-renowned mathematician, James Wigglesworth will train students through solving mind-bending puzzles to unraveling mathematical mysteries.
Art, Math, Special Interest
Class Details
Instructor(s): Miss Rejoice & Miss Riley, Mr. James W.
Grades: 1-6th
Class Start: July 15th, 2024
Meeting Day(s): Monday - Friday
Meeting Time: 9:00AM to 1:00PM (Snack Included)
Meeting Dates: 7/15, 7/16, 7/17, 7/18, 7/19
Class Length: 5 days
Cost: $230
Minimum Number of Students: 12
Maximum Number of Students: 30
Location: AdLife Academy - Pasadena
(Pasadena Covenant Church, 539 N. Lake Avenue, Pasadena)